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NCTC Winter Education Conference, San Antonio, TEXAS, January 26, 2015 – Alianza, the cloud voice platform company, announced today that Spanish Fork Community Network (SFCN), a municipal broadband services provider in Utah, has selected Alianza’s Cloud Voice Platform as its next gen voice solution. SFCN will use Alianza’s solution to enhance its residential voice services and to launch new hosted business VoIP and SIP trunking services. For SFCN, the Cloud Voice Platform is delivered as part of the Level 3® Carrier Cloud Voice Solution, a comprehensive wholesale voice solution for service providers. Alianza is showcasing this solution and how it can help with Cable VoIP 2.0 initiatives at the NCTC Winter Education Conference at the Level 3 booth (#300).

Cloud Voice – Value Beyond Cost Savings

“Cloud is not about technology but rather about a business model.” That statement boldly stands out to me in this No Jitter article The Cloud Revolution: Dropping Voice Prices Will Deliver Big Impact. Absolutely. We agree fully. While No Jitter is focused on enterprise-consumed communications and UC, this is a truth that applies to the...

SAN FRANCISCO, October 29, 2014 – Voxbone today announced a partnership with cloud voice platform company, Alianza, to help service providers rapidly deliver new international voice services that will drive revenue and reduce churn. The integrated solution will allow service providers to combine the rich technology of Alianza’s Cloud Voice Platform with the global reach and footprint of Voxbone’s VoxDID for residential, business, and mobile VoIP services.

Next Gen Voice – CAPEX vs SaaS

Last week Dell’Oro Group reported on the telecom CAPEX stating that “telecom operators around the world invested heavily in their fiber and LTE networks in 1H14 as the transformation from voice-centric to data-centric drivers continued.” The research firm says that 2014 will see an increase in spending but a decline is projected for 2015. CAPEX...