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Band Class 12 — Go Beyond Broadband

I’ve just returned from the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) annual convention held this week in Las Vegas, a great event for education and networking in this tight-knit community of independent mobile operators. We joined CCA earlier this year as we think our mission to radically transform voice aligns nicely with member needs as they deploy...

The Clear Choice for Voice: Service Provider VoIP Model

Last week Level 3 Communications and Alianza sponsored a COMPTEL webinar focused on a transformative approach to delivering voice services. In the webinar, The Clear Choice for Voice: The Cloud Outsource Model for Carriers, Level 3’s J.P. Gonzalez and I talked through the market dynamics forcing change and how the cloud can transform the business...

Look to the Cloud — Voice Solution for Fixed LTE

Yesterday we announced a new hosted fixed LTE voice over solution (VoLTE) that enables mobile service providers to further monetize their LTE spectrum with easy-to-launch and profitable VoIP services. This is ideally suited for the rural, regional and competitive mobile network operators (MNOs), but it works for any mobile operator that wants to add additional...

Competitive Carriers Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 16, 2013 – Alianza, the leader in cloud voice platforms, today announced a new hosted fixed voice over LTE (VoLTE) solution that enables mobile service providers to further monetize their LTE spectrum with easy-to-launch and profitable next-generation voice services.

2013 Leading Lights Finalists: Most Innovative Carrier Cloud Service

Most Innovative Carrier Cloud Service is a new category for the annual Leading Lights awards, and was introduced to recognize the growing focus in the communication service provider sector on cloud services and the ways in which CSPs are innovating in this realm. Level 3’s Carrier Cloud Voice is a finalist and features an outsourcing solution for voice services along with its partner, cloud voice provider Alianza

The Voice Network in the Cloud

Cloud-based voice platforms allow service providers to get out of the voice network building business and focus on growing their business. There are various requirements that this wholesale solution needs to meet to be a true alternative to building a voice network. To be effective, it needs to be an extension of how service providers manage and monetize their networks.

Voice Crunch Elevates Alianza

Declining voice revenues are playing right into the hands of Alianza Corp., a service provider launched to provide the voice component of wireless broadband networks — so much so that it has now fixed its sights on a range of wireless and wireline players, including cable operators no longer willing to operate their existing voice technologies.