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Alianza Named a FTTH Top 100 Company

For over a decade, Broadband Communities Magazine has recognized organizations that lead the way in “building a fiber-connected world” in its Top 100 Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) list. Alianza is one of those companies and we are honored as to be named one of the FTTH leaders and innovators for 2017 for our Cloud Voice Platform that powers VoIP phone services for...

Alianza Wins UTC Impact Award For Cloud VoIP Solution

Last week at the UTC Telecom and Technology annual show Alianza was recognized with the UTC Impact Award for services. The Utilities Technology Council (UTC), a trade association for power utilities, awards this annually to a UTC Associate Member that is “making a great impact on the utilities industry through an innovative and proven solution.”

Wholesale Voice Market — Clouds on the Radar

Since joining Alianza in March I’ve spoken with a number of industry analysts about VoIP market dynamics and why there is a compelling need to change how voice services are delivered. Some analysts I’ve know for many years since my days as a member of that same institution of industry illuminators or from my time...