Press ReleasesSeptember 16, 2013by Rock Chi

Alianza Launches Hosted Fixed Voice over LTE Solution

Competitive Carriers Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 16, 2013 – Alianza, the leader in cloud voice platforms, today announced a new hosted fixed voice over LTE (VoLTE) solution that enables mobile service providers to further monetize their LTE spectrum with easy-to-launch and profitable next-generation voice services.

Cloud Voice Platform helps mobile operators monetize spectrum with new hosted residential and business VoIP services

Competitive Carriers Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 16, 2013 – Alianza, the leader in cloud voice platforms, today announced a new hosted fixed voice over LTE (VoLTE) solution that enables mobile service providers to further monetize their LTE spectrum with easy-to-launch and profitable next-generation voice services.

Fixed LTE provides a cost-effective alternative to wired technologies for delivering sought-after broadband connectivity to rural and underserved areas. Voice is a key part of service bundles, helping to enhance ARPU and subscriber loyalty. Alianza’s new solution allows mobile service providers to expand into new market segments and capture portions of the $80 billion fixed voice services market in North America.

Built on Alianza’s proven Cloud Voice Platform and leveraging more than four years of experience delivering VoIP over WiMAX, satellite and fixed broadband, Alianza’s new solution extends those capabilities to fixed LTE. Alianza hosts and manages the entire solution, allowing service providers to outsource VoIP instead of building and running a network. Through an extensive API, the Cloud Voice Platform integrates with back-office systems and business processes that can facilitate automation, scale and further drive down costs for provisioning, care and reporting. Supporting a rich set of end-user features, mobile providers can easily add customized residential and business voice services to their fixed LTE broadband offering.

Employing a SaaS-based model, Alianza eliminates capital expenditures and provides a clear business case for fixed VoLTE.

“Using our model, mobile service providers have an opportunity to further monetize their spectrum and grow revenue by bundling VoIP with their fixed LTE services,” stated Brian Beutler, CEO and co-founder of Alianza. “These providers can drive incremental revenue, reduce risk, as costs are always aligned with revenues, and consistently deliver 55-80% gross margins.”

The turnkey wholesale solution also supports:

  • VoIP delivery across all LTE frequency bands
  • Integrated VoIP LTE routers and external analog telephone adapters (ATAs)
  • Multiple quality of service mechanisms
  • OTT service extensions over WiFi to tablets, smart phones and PCs
  • Turnkey web management portals for end-users

“There are clear costs and complexity involved in addressing new IP voice opportunities. Against this background, a ‘build-it-and-they-will-come strategy’ is hard to justify,” notes Peter Jarich, Vice President of Consumer and Infrastructure at Current Analysis. “Hosted VoIP solutions like Alianza’s mitigate that risk while allowing mobile operators to deliver a compelling service bundle to subscribers using fixed LTE.”

This solution is available today in North America and the Caribbean and is currently in trial with a regional mobile service provider in the United States.

Alianza is an Associate Member of Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) and is a sponsor of this week’s CCA Annual Convention. Alianza is hosting a pre-conference seminar today at the event entitled Voice Services without Building a Voice Network – The Power of Cloud Voice Platforms. This seminar is open to all attendees of the Convention. Contact Alianza to arrange a meeting at the show.



Kimmie Greene

Director, Marketing

[email protected]

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